- the $700 sandwich
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- the $700 sandwich
Posted by Pogoff at 12/21/2008 5 comments
- you're being a diaper marathon
- you're being a temperate thermometer
- you're being a cold turkey
- you're being a unwanted pregnancy
- you're being a traffic jam
- you're being a bit confused
- you're being a dangling participle
- you're being a sub-par
- you're being a bad weather
- you're being a hassle-and-a-half
Posted by Pogoff at 5/07/2008 3 comments
- you're big, fat and ugly
- the pearls of wisdom are coming out of the giant Japanese oyster and messing with your self-image
- you're aging wider
- mirror's feng not in line with your shui
- retribution for ordering Chinese 50 days in a row
- perspective
- razor burn so bad it makes you look like you're wearing a suit made of jello
- transcendental reflections
- it's actually the mirror behind the mirror that makes you look fat
- you're profile appears a mosaic of chum buckets
Posted by Pogoff at 4/29/2008 1 comments
- calls Rubik's cube 'boobix coob'
- answers every question, 'I know you are, but what am I?'
- was independently diagnosed by three leading child neuropsychologists as developmentally disabled to the extreme
- crashes legs into wall when things just aren't making sense
- when your child says to you, 'Dad, I need to talk and I need for you to listen. Now, I know my grades aren't the best and that you and Mom aren't exactly pleased when I throw my shoes at you when it's time for me to eat dinner. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my seemingly hostile behavior and frustratingly stunted verbal and communication skills might be explained by a syndrome or disease even,. I also want you to know that I am sympathetic to the marital strains you and Mom have because of me, and believe me when I say to you right here and now that from here on out I will make a valiant attempt not to hide your briefcase in the septic tank.'
- you start shopping at the Sharper Image in order to distract yourself
- he enjoys himself and/or doesn't care
Posted by Pogoff at 4/29/2008 1 comments
- flesh puddy
- "MY HUSBAND'S A BRICK" bumper sticker
- automatic assault rifle modifying kit for allen wrench
- electric knuckle remover
- do-it-yourself hip replacement kit
- cement laisons
- soldering iron designed to join small intestine and nasal membrane
- practical joke kit that includes: gasoline-mister, snake urine, pink hammer made to appear rubber, regular staple with a pricetag attached reading $5,000
- employees' red smocks
Posted by Pogoff at 1/03/2008 2 comments